Up to date information regarding the restoration of steam locomotive 6029 in Canberra, ACT Australia. Beyer Garratt 6029 is an EX NSWGR locomotive and was a member of the largest, and most powerful class in Australia. The restoration to full working order is being undertaken by volunteers in Canberra.
6029 is owned by the Australian Railway Historical Society, ACT Division and the restoration is proudly supported by their tourist operations and by the generous donations of members and public supporters.
The society operates rail tours out of Canberra with our heritage fleet of steam and diesel locomotives and rolling stock every few weeks.
To travel in style on any of our tours, or to learn more about our collection and operations, go to Canberrarailwaymuseum.org
Dec 21, 2009
Sunday 20 December 2009
The boiler now sports the copper drain pipes that attach to the gauge glass assemblies. New and reconditioned cladding sheets are being fitted around the fire box area. The injector steam starting vales were cleaned down for assessment and found to be in serviceable condition. They will be fitted after the cladding is installed.
The next workday will be January the 3rd of January 2010. All welcome.
Dec 7, 2009
Saturday 5 December 2009.
The rebuild of the bogies continued with most of the components now completed on the first. Ian has finished the machining of the replacement pins and Barry applied the top coats of black. The replacement manganese horn plates were fitted by Shaun while John and Kyle continued on with the assessment of the horn keep plates and associated parts. We are now hopeful that the first bogie will be completed before the years end. The experience gained will ensure the speedy rebuild of the next three bogies. The last outer bogies do not have air brakes fitted so this will make for much faster progress.
Mike Ridley came down from Sydney on Friday and he was able complete two straight days work. Mike has concentrated his efforts on the boiler cradle with the fitting of the reverser reach rods and he has now moved onto the power reverser mounting bracket. Mike is also looking at the mountain of electrical conduit with regard to the eventual re-wire.
We welcome two new members to our growing team. Paul Newland and Joseph Spinella cleaned out and re-organised the JLX box van adjacent to 6029. We now have room to work on the motion and valve gear. Paul and Joseph started to clean down the valve gear in preparation for crack testing.
The fitting of new sheet metal cladding to the boiler continues. The copper drain pipes for the gauge glasses and water column test cocks were bent up using the time honoured method of filling the pipes with sand before heating. Ian has taken the large bore copper pipes for the stoker system home for overhaul. When completed, the back head piping will be fitted in preparation of the final steam test.
The reach rods from the control handle to the front end throttle were assessed and given the usual grey primer clean up. Mike Reynell has been rebuilding the camshaft and main valves at home. Thanks to Malcolm for supplying the old maintenance manuals for the front end throttle. Mike advises that he will come down from Sydney for a few days and he intends to complete the final fit out of the front end throttle and sub assemblies.
Our next workday is Sunday 20 December.
Nov 17, 2009
Sunday November 15 2009.
As previously reported the four bogies are main focus of work. The years of grime and rust are now giving away to what resembles an almost a new bogie. Originally we were only replacing the worn mounting studs however when using the torque gun they were snapping like carrots. So all are now being replaced with new.
Our resident fitter, boilermaker, sheet metal, and generally good bloke Ian continues to work at home at what ever is asked of him. The cladding on the back head of the boiler has now started to progress forwards along the firebox area. As a consequence of this, the final fitting of copper pipe work has started. The labyrinth of small bore copper pipes is being annealed and assessed for condition and re fitting.
In general terms we are at the hard slog stage, and although the cleaning, assessing and painting is hard work, we are realising some very pleasing results. Having said that we can only do it with help and presently we have no shortage of tasks that are looking for willing helpers. No skills are necessary and on site tuition is available.
If you haven’t come along to a work day for some time or even if you are new to Project 6029, please come along, all welcome.
Our next workday is Saturday the 5th of December, again all welcome.
Alan Gardner
Oct 21, 2009
Sunday 18 October,
Mike continued with the re fitting of the overhauled reverser reach rods that run down the drivers side of the boiler cradle. One of the last jobs for the day was to lift both of the long reach rods into position. Yes that’s correct we are starting to put it back together.
Since starting the project, we have had no workshop facilities on site. Thanks to the continued efforts of Barry, Stuart, Marc and Pat the electrician, we now have a mobile workshop. As a consequence of this we are now looking for a bar fridge(already found), kettle and seats.
Our next workday is Saturday 7th November 2009.
Alan Gardner
Oct 10, 2009
Saturday 3 October 2009
Between showers, John continued with the stripping down of the second bogie, he also had time in the past week for some work at home by cleaning up some small components for the bogies. We joke that after four bogies, John will be the resident bogie specialist. If the weather holds off on the next workday it is anticipated that the second bogie will be completely stripped down for assessment.
The project manager and our friend from the USA, Jack Corrick spent most of the day studying SKF drawings for the big end bearings. The end result being the partial disassembly of one big end. We now need a special pulling tool to facilitate the removal of the inner bearing assembly. Mike Reynell has offered to make this vital equipment up. Thanks also to Craig Mackey for suppling the NSWGR drawings and bearing manual.
Roger Maynard started cleaning down the four Nathan DV mechanical lubricators however no undercoat could be applied due to the wet weather. The preliminary assessment has shown that they are in good condition.
The last jobs on the boiler cradle are being completed by Howard and he had the unenviable task of removing the last of the sound deadening boards from underneath the cab floor. The attempt by the manufacture with sound deadening was poorly applied, with the use of timber and alternative modern martials will be sourced for this area.
By the days, end we were all wet and tired, however the day’s efforts had at least allowed us to be one step closer to steaming 6029. We now have an indoors workshop and the previosly unknown, black art of the SKF roller big end bearing has revealed it self to the next generation of steam fitters.
Please make the effort to come along to the next workday (Sunday the 18th of October) as we need lots of mussel power and willing hands.
Alan Gardner
Sep 23, 2009
Sunday 21 September 2009
Mike Reynell delivered the steam pipe spacing rings made by an external contractor in Sydney. These rings will
facilite the fitting of the insulation and cladding to the main steam pipe that runs down the right side of the boiler cradle to the hind engine unit.
The front end throttle overhaul is being completed by Mike Reynell at his Sydney works. Mike showed off his handy work with the completed repair of the throttle shaft. He is now focusing on the main vales and associated fittings. Ian has also been beavering away at home with the last of the backhead sheets and he advises that the final fit is only days away. His biggest issues has been the neighbours washing and the over-spray drifting over the fence.
The re-assembly of the first bogie continued with the repaired manganese liner’s fitted. The brake equipment for this bogie was assessed and re-painted for eventual fitting.
Our next work day is Saturday the 3rd of October. Work will again focus on the bogie rebuilds.
Alan Gardner
Sep 7, 2009
Saturday 5th September
The second of the four bogies was rolled clear of the hind unit and as expected it resisted all of the way. The locking pin that retains the king pin was completely seized and several attempts to remove it was unsuccessful. As a consequence of this a large part of the morning was dedicated to the cleaning out of the hollow passages in the main frame casting. This allowed access to the locking pin assembly inside the main farm. After we extracted bucket loads of coal and gunk we could at last see the seized locking pin. The usual heating with the oxy torch did not seem to do much and it was looking like a "too hard" scenario would prevail here. However to our surprise, with several blows of the sledge hammer the pin stated to move. After we extracted the locking pin the King pin dropped straight to the ground without fuss. Half an hour later the bogie was clear of the hind engine unit. As can be seen in the photos years of grime will have to be removed before disassembly can take place.
The first bogie that was removed last month now sports its second coat of black paint. All of the components are progressively being repaired and painted. Our next few workdays should complete this bogie with significant progress on the second one. It is anticipated that the last two bogies will be relatively quick to complete as they do not have brake gear fitted.
Our next few workdays will focus on the bogies and when competed the re assembly stage of the project will start in earnest. However we still need your help either financially or in person. Our next workday is Sunday the 20th of September and could I please ask that you take the time to come along and help. Lunch is provided!
Alan Gardner
Aug 29, 2009
Raffle Winners
The winner of the Eureka 60 class model was Mr S Buck of Roseville, NSW.
Second place, The 60 Class book was won by Mr T Kilgannon of Dundas Valley, NSW.
Thanks again
Aug 18, 2009
Turbo generator
Well done Percy!!
Alan Gardner
Aug 3, 2009
Saturday 1 August 2009
The boiler cradle is looking great as the overhauled components are progressively being bolted back. The three rollers and brackets that support the cradle revering gear are now ready for fitting. Again we can confirm with these components that we are not rebuilding 6029,rather it’s a collection of 60 class components that are being badged as 6029. The numbers on the three rollers are 6019,6024 and 6027.
The refit of the back head boiler cladding continued with the with about 90% of cladding sheets finished. So yet again the usual undercoat and two top coats are being applied. At this stage we will only complete the cladding of the fire box area until the boiler is lifted onto the cradle.
Our next workday is Sunday the 16th of August.
Alan Gardner
Jul 12, 2009
Superweek Report
Monday morning 7:30 am -4 degrees. The first job as the highest priority was to light the fire. In fact this would be repeated every morning.
As planned the boiler cradle strip down was completed and the usual undercoat and two top coats of black were applied. The reversing gear was completely seized and the rollers that facilitate easy movement had in fact worn flat when the locomotive was in operation. A compete new set of rollers is being manufactured. The pivot centre oil lines and boxes were repaired and fitted ready for use. The re fit steam delivery pipes from the smoke box to the hind unit started, however we have to order a new set of inch BSW studs and nuts to complete the job. Thanks to the efforts of Mike Ridley, Peter Gleeson, Stuart Edwards, Barry Peffer and Roger Maynard.
On the engine unit side the first of the four bogies was completely stripped down to the last nut and bolt. The lessens learnt here is that even the sub assemblies are heavy. The bogie frame was cleaned down and crack tested with no significant issues found. Three of the manganese horn liners will be replaced due to cracking in the corners. The many smaller components were progressively stripped cleaned and assessed. As previously reported the lateral control springs are in poor condition and by weeks end they were dispatched to Sydney for rebuild. Thanks to Ian Senini, Malcolm Cluett and David Griffiths.
In all 290 hours of work was completed for the week realising another significant milestone. Thanks to the efforts of all involved the boiler cradle is now almost compete. We can now move onto the overhaul of the four bogies and when completed reassembly of the locomotive proper will commence. In parallel the bogie work we will continue with the strip down of the motion and the assessment of the engine units.
We are now at what can be called the turning point of the project, however as is always the biggest threat to the project is money. We now have some big ticket items that will have to be competed in the next six months. These are,
· 20 off super heater elements. $27,000.
· Hard chroming of piston and valve rods.$ 12,000.
· Spring repairs and rebuilds. $10,000.
· Piston rings for vales, cylinders and air compressor . $14,000.
· Sundries. $20,000.
So now for the big news, if we realise the above $89,000 6029 will be steaming in 2011. We have the team and the skills to do the job, so it all gets down to money, its as simple as that. So please keep the donations coming in, no matter how small every bit counts. Collectively we can once again see Australia’s largest stem locomotive gracing the rail network.
Keep steaming,
Alan Gardner
Jul 6, 2009
Superweek 2009 has started
Saturday 4 July Workday
Report from Peter Reynell
Another successful day, made the more memorable because it was the 33rd anniversary of the Garratt’s first trip under ARHS ACT Accreditation. And we had a little party to celebrate. Lindsay Richmond [another survivor of those early days] and I reminisced over some slides [yes, even a projector was used!] and about 25 people from the various work parties on site were shown the good old days and a good time…our ARHS on train catering crew including Chris S and Lindy S put on a much better than usual spread. Imagine Roast Beef, Oven baked Chicken fillet, party pies and salad , as well as hot doggies; sausages and all the accomaniements.And even cake!
Thanks, crew, you did us proud.
A special thanks to Brian Nye, Chief Executive of the Australasian Railway Association for coming along to offer some very encouraging words.
Oh, and we did some work too..ends were rescued from the old superheater elements, more black paint went on the boiler cradle and Paul Quinn lit a huge fire under the engine unit which eventually liberated the very frozen solid pony truck bearing which caused the angst months ago when the pony truck came off the rails. A long overdue apology to Lindsay, we always chose to blame his trackwork..sorry, Oldmate. (Some did, some knew better...Mike)
Work on the bogies has commenced with the front units hind bogie receiving attention. The lateral control springs from all four bogies should be in Sydney by the end of the week to be overhauled while the crew work on the bogies.
Jun 28, 2009
Like a house of cards
Saturday morning saw Mike Riddley, Mike and Peter Reynell turn up to take advantage of the comfortable work area in the Eveleigh large erecting shop.
Today saw more than a little progress on the cab. In the past, nearly all the work has concentrated on removing years of built up corrosion and muck from the panels so that the damage can be identified and assessed.
We finally have given up trying to do the repair work in situ, and the decision was made to reduce the cab to smaller sub-assemblies so that the panels can be repaired properly and the corrosion that has until now been trapped between the riveted components can be removed properly.
With a few rows of rivets and bolts removed, the cab quickly fell apart like a heavy house of cards. The rear panel of the cab took five or six people to lift onto trestles.
The roof vents were also liberated from the roof panel so that they can be repaired separately before being refitted to the new roof.
Over the next few weeks, replacement components will be arranged so that the corroded areas can be removed and new metal welded back in. There is a new roof to be cut and rolled, the angles that mount the cab to the loco frame will need to be replaced, and some paneling around the windows will need attention.
It seems like a lot of work, considering that it just a cab, but once it is finished, I doubt it will need to be touched for another 20 or 30 years.
Jun 22, 2009
Sunday 21 June 2009
Jun 19, 2009
Jun 15, 2009
a nice shade of grey..
Jun 14, 2009
Progress report..... Saturday 13 June
IN Canberra the rear bunker has been sandblasted and undercoated in a trendy shade of grey by a contractor, so there is another painting job.
Photos when they come to hand.
Next Canberra work Day SUNDAY 21 June
Jun 7, 2009
Saturday 6 June Canberra workday
Tasks undertaken included:
- more pressure washing, now about half way finished on the front engine unit; thanks again, Roger
- more painting, thanks Stu
- cross compound air compressor dismantled, with some challenges, including the b*****y thing creating a vacuum which made the removal of one piston a challenge; thanks Ian, Shaun, Shane and all the other expert advisers.
- removal of the pivot bearing at the front end of the boiler cradle; thanks to Marc, Kyle and John [and again, more experts]
Alan Gardner
Al's mate Graham Kidgell from the little railway near Melbourne
Peter Reynell
Shane Bollard
Shaun Barker
Ian Senini
Marc Millar
Mike Ridley
Stu Edwards
Kyle Rollinson
John Kempton
Roger Maynard
Also on site were Lindsay Richmond, who made lunch, thanks Oldmate; Paul Quinn, vibrating on a bogie frame;
Andy D, Jack Barker, Gav W. ; Dave and Keith Malcolm lighting 3016 for todays' Bungendore train, and David Villiers as cleaner and polisher.
Next workdays
- at Eveleigh..Saturday 13 June...contact peter@project6029.com for access and job details.
- at Kingston [Canberra Railway Museum] Sunday 21 June
May 30, 2009
MHG Workvan
May 28, 2009
Thursday 28th May 2009.
May 18, 2009
Workday Report 18 May 2009
Friday 15 May.
Gavin and Ian held their regular Friday session with the installation of 10 new superheater elements. Lindsay Richmond also helped out with the heavy lifting, thanks Lindz. The last job for the day was to lift the smoke box front plate into position.
Saturday 16May
The Eveleigh work team removed the life expired roof off the cab revealing many years of rust and subsequent damage. Mike will complete a full set of CAD drawings to outsource the construction of new roof sheets.
Sunday 17 May.
The installation of the smoke box front plate was completed by Ian and old mate Alan Kent. The bottom plate attachment was yielding some problems, however Ian has assured us that it will be sorted out next week. After the last of the new elements were removed from the storage van, Marc started to clean of each ball end for installation next Friday.
The donated workbenches were reassembled and we now have four workstations that will assist with the repair and rebuild of the many small components. Gavin has sourced a six inch vice that we can install on one of the benches. Wow!!
The Boiler cradle is staring to look like a new one as Stuart, Howard, and just about everyone is having a go with the re paint. Gavin and Peter removed the water delivery pipes revealing some active corrosion that will require some major surgery.
Our next work day will be Saturday the 6th of June and work will continue on the boiler cradle.
We will now be holding weekly workdays every Friday, so if you have the time to help out please come along . Lunch is BYO and Gavin will be supervisor for all mid week work and if you intended coming along please let him know in advance.
Alan Gardner.
The Cab in Eveleigh
Sunday 17 May
Alan Gardner
Gavin Woolf
Alan Kent
Marc Millar
Stuart Edwards
Ian Senini
Alf Spiteri
David Villiers
Kyle Rollinson
Vince Patrech
John Kempton
Peter Anderson
Peter Reynell
and Howard Moffat
I will leave it to Al to list the days achievements...this post is to recognise those who were there yesterday.
a big weekend
You ask why?
Even in Canberra's relatively dry climate, the enemy of all things steel appears. In this case, the worst parts are the window cut outs where the gutters naturally collected, but not necessarily diverted rain, and areas near the doors where two or three layers of plate are now interspersed with oxidised steel.
Best to fix it "proper" now; roof off will give better access.
And the roof itself is a maze of holes where everything that could be hung, was. Even the ceiling was held up [or down] by a bolt through the roof.Actually, many bolts.
Then, more holes for the colonial conversion to dual control. Another heavy casting, more holes in the roof.
May 4, 2009
Saturday 2nd of May 2009
Many of the boiler cladding sheets for the back head are in poor condition and Gavin’s new plasma cutter was put to good use for the first time. Marc and Ted experienced the joys of sheet metal work and a result the back head sheets are now about 90% complete.
Back in Sydney Mike Reynell is organising the manufacture of 50+ element washers and when completed we can start installing the new elements. As usual Bruce s continuing with the machining of the many replacement components.
Our next workday is Sunday the 17th of May starting at about 9 am, all welcome!
Alan Gardner
Apr 25, 2009
hi ho; hi ho..its off to work we go...
Apr 24, 2009
Sunday 20 April 2009
Even before the weekend Bruce has been busy manufacturing many of the small components required to keep up with the re assembly work. Because of Bruce’s efforts the centrifugal steam separator in the dome was final fitted by Gavin, although it was a tight squeeze. With only some minor work required Gavin will re fit the steam dome and complete the final out of the boiler.
The boiler cradle clean up and assessment continued at a rapid rate. Marc continued with the steam cleaner and Howard was assisted by Stuart on the needle gun. Alan completed the work on the main steam lines under the cab. David and Stuart helped out with the cladding sheets for the back head as they will have to be fitted before the boiler is lowered into the cradle.
Two new volunteers Kyle Rowlingson and John Kempton started on the day and as a result the hind engine unit some sports some gloss black paint. During the afternoon the superheater header was trial fitted and all being well the next workday should see it fitted into place.
If we can keep up the good attendance we anticipate completing the boiler cradle work in the next couple of months. In parallel work is continuing on the change over boiler and this work should be completed about the same time line as the cradle.
Thanks to the efforts of Carl on the super heater header two weeks ago we will put off lowering the boiler on to the cradle and inturn the elements will be fitted while the boiler is on the ground. To this end we are proposing to hold a super week in July to facilitate the fitting of the elements and smoke box. So If you have some annual leave up your sleave and would like to enjoy a full week straight of steam fitting you are most welcome. Accommodation is available in our luxurious BAM sleeper carriages thanks to Matt and Trev.
As the preparation work on the boiler and cradle is coming to a end we will start to look at the removal of the four bogies from off the engine units. Preliminary inspection has revealed some very sick lateral control springs and some of the horn liners will need replacing also. As soon as we can get our crane driver Michael Potter away from his ever expanding family we will lift the engine units clear of the bogies. Our old mates from Eveleigh have offered to come down when the warmer weather returns in September and we are hope that they can help out with the bogie rebuilds.
Alan Gardner
As you can see, pictures this month show that the visible progress is now starting to accelerate, and you will see that the grey undercoat, that was becoming quite dominant in last months pictures, is now starting to disappear under top coats of black and red paint. Great stuff!
Apr 20, 2009
What happened away from Steamfest 18/19 April
On the big day in Canberra ten or so turned up to work on the big engine which saw the superheater header offered back to the smokebox, the main steam pipe reinstalled [thanks, Bruce for making the special bolt, and Mike for finally remembering where he hid the strap and Gav for hiding in the boiler whilst doing the work!] and more painting, painting and painting. Three new faces too, and of course the second best BBQ!
All this with our little mate, 3016 steaming out to Bungendore, again..and having a bit of a slip on the way back..look at Andy's blog for info on that .
There is a feeling now of [mild] confidence as we are more putting it back together than pulling it apart. Help us by donating or coming along and doing a bit.
Work days in Canberra are FIRST SATURDAY and THIRD SUNDAY...but see Alans [forthcoming] comments about the JULY superweek.
Apr 6, 2009
Saturday 4 April workday
A great day...perfect weather yes, it does sometimes happen in Canberra! Come along on the 19th to experience it.
Al and Gav played tinplaters ..they made good progress in cutting, shaping and fitting cladding [for out - of staters "cleading"] around the "new" boiler firebox area, looks sooooo good without rust holes!
Peter R wondered aloud if he could still spray paint and found that the lessons learned first time around could still be remembered, Al's comment was "looks like you have a job, again!
Howard M, Mike Ridley Roger and Stewart [sorry, do not know if I got this right] worked away at the boiler frame..rust removal...undercoat and even some black enamel. It looks great chaps!
On a broader aspect other things were happening too on Saturday:
the 1 2 1 0 was being steamed and beautifully polished by Brigadeer Brasso amd David Carroll along with a new recruit; the purpose being to provide a backdrop for some wedding fotos.
[ a picta, please, Mr VP MacAndo?]
the 3016 was having a paint tone-up by Dave Malcolm and Andy, looks good, guys!
Our Heritage diesel 4807 was off at the Highland Games with a full load of happy customers, Brigadoon looked to being well celebrated when Mike Ridley and I took a happy snap on the way home.
Mar 29, 2009
Worth a read...The Down Home with Andy!
Mar 26, 2009
eating humble pie...
The pix are 6029 and K153 running side by side on the way to Wangaratta in June 1980.
two uncaptioned shots during the Great Circle tour in June 1981.
As soon a webmasterMike can, he will make the corrections.
Meantime, sorry Dennis
Mar 18, 2009
Sunday 15 March
Our next workday will be held on the Saturday the 4th of April 2009. The main focus of work will be the boiler cradle.
Alan Gardner
Mar 10, 2009
where are you Ron?
Mike Ridley patiently and carefully treated the cladding ring and other parts re-assembled on the previous workday.
Thanks again the the chaps at the LES for your hospitality.
Mar 9, 2009
Saturday March 7, 2009.
A beautiful autumn day with mild temperatures was a welcome change from the summer scorchers we have experienced on previous work days. An early phone call from the guys at Eveleigh was pleasing to note as on this day work is progressing in parallel on many fronts all over NSW. The new smoke box floor is now fitted and the temporary attachment of the blast pipe will facilitate the final fit of the smoke stack. The superheater header is work continuing with the lapping in of the pilot and drifting valves. The clean down and assessment of the boiler cradle revealed no issues and a coat of grey primer was applied to the entire right hand side. The two main reservoirs were disassembled in preparation for internal inspection and hydrostatic test. Work continues on the hind unit and the headstock received its second coat of red paint.
Alan Gardner
While the work continued in Canberra, work is also being undertaken in Sydney at the Large Erecting Shop in Eveleigh. The guys from 3801 Limited have made some space, and along with a few of the Canberra regulars, are restoring the cab to its previous glory. Ron Denholm has done a great job of removing years of grime and corrosion, having spent many a day with the needle gun, and now we are starting to repair the damage of years in the open. There is a lot of corroded material to remove and replace, some pieces to be re manufactured, and some modifications to be done before it is reunited with the frame in Canberra
Feb 25, 2009
Feb 19, 2009
Also, due to the kindness of our Sydney hosts, there will be a Cab work day at Eveliegh on Saturday 21 February.
Feb 13, 2009
Interested in a little Garratt history?
Feb 8, 2009
Not a cool workday; Saturday 7 February 2009
But Alan got off to an early start, still cussing whoever did the stationary boiler modifications..but most of that is now behind us, studs that had been removed from the foundation ring have now been replaced, preparatory to re-installing the ash pan. And other fire box fittings are being placed on the replacement boiler, but no thought of steaming yesterday as it was a total fire ban day.
Peter got up close and personal [and early] with some piping under the cab which carries steam to the stoker motor. Surprisingly, one line still contained water.
Ted Coulter drove the new air driven needlegun to paint that I applied way back in 1973/4[,there is a product endorsement sponsorship opportunity here]; Howard Moffat applied a coat of red [same product] to the front engine buffer beam casting and Vince and new worker Mike Ridley[welcome Mike] ground and scraped, and painted wheels and boiler cradle till the weather was just too hot. David Carroll grabbed what he thought might be the coolest task, operating the Steam cleaner, but his reward was to become very dirty. Just hope the can clean up before Valentine's day.
Next workday..Third Sunday, which is 21 February.
For those that have been following the project and the photos of the work taken by Howard, take a look at the photos taken today... In just two weeks the worksite has transformed, so much so that some may think they are no longer looking at a Garratt.
And a note from Alan
Feb 7, 2009
Awsome Meccano
Hi Alan,
I would like to submit some photographs of my recent construction of an Meccano model representation of AD60 no. 6029 in 2.5ins gauge. The mid red and mid green is correct for Binns road, Liverpool, Lancs. Meccano of the period 1946 -1956/57 and entirely appropriate to the early fifties AD60 heavy freight batch articulated locomotives construction period in my native Lancahire at the Beyer Peacock works in West Gorton Manchester.
I have fitted the laterboiler bogie brakes and the extended bunker.
I have purposely omitted the acoustic enhancement piping for alerting crews to warning detonators placed on track.
I offer it as encouragement to the volunteer team engaged on the project to have her in working condition by 2014 for the New South Wales Railway Centenary celebrations.
A true leviathan of steam weighing in at 260tons in working order.
Special Thanks:
A copy of this e-mail is sent to 'Meccanoman' Dave Taylor of Great Dunmow, Essex, UK, for his supply of various special items and to my dearest sister Elaine Fairhurst and her husband Harry of Mount Eliza, Victoria, Aus, for their support with literature and an DVD of 6029 in action.
Best of luck meanwhile with the project.
Tom Martland
Tom adds in a follow-up mail that the model is driven by a motor in the coal bunker space, and the driving wheels have a coupled braking arrangement...
Feb 3, 2009
Come one, come all..join in the fun...
Jan 20, 2009
Stop Press

Keep Steaming
Jan 19, 2009
It is pleasing to report that the first workday for 2009 was well attended and in fact we achieved over 100 hours of work for the day. Preliminary work was completed to facilitate removal of the boiler cradle with the end result being a full set of stands to enable the cradle to be set up level and gain easy access to all of its nooks and crannies for inspection and repair. We anticipate lifting the cradle onto the stand in the next few weeks. Mike and Marc fitted the internal steam pipe into the boiler and it was pleasing to once again actually see components being fitted rather than taking them off. The next part of the steam circuit fit out will be the header and work has commenced with the assessment and associated repairs. Mike Potter once again made good use of the over head crane and the front tank has been moved into position to allow easy access for the anticipated weld repairs. With the fine weather conditions the painting of the hind engine unit commenced with excellent results. This also included the strip down and undercoating of the headstocks. The last job of the day was the removal of the injectors and associated piping off the boiler cradle.
News received from Ron in Eveleigh is that he has almost finished painting the interior of the cab and work will start soon on the corrosion repairs as required.
Help needed:
As we are no moving in the assemble stages of the project we are asking for help to paint this 260 ton monster, no special skills necessary just a willingness to help out and put up with the projects managers silly jokes.
Alan Gardner
Jan 15, 2009
A message from Alan
Dear 6029 friends...
Please note that our first workday for the year is this Sunday the 18th of Jan. We now have access to air tools on site and we can therefore move onto the fun jobs of painting and the like. One fun tool that we now have is the needle gun and from now on it will be in use on every workday. This will be very handy for the crud that the steam cleaner would not lift.