The install of the remaining super heater elements continued as the first job for the day. Fortunately we were able to source the six remaining tee bolts ew required courtesy of a ex NSWGR 36 class super heater header that has been stored on site for many years. With the bolts sorted the team moved quickly into the task at hand, and in no time the last bolt was tightened up home. With the elements out of the way the guys cleaned up all the tools and swept out the smoke box clean.
The steam pipes that run from the super heater header inside the smoke box were next in the critical path and as usual they had to be cleaned up for assessment. The flange spherical faces that make up the steam tight joint were wire brushed and the tedious job of lapping each face commenced. Many of the old bolts were seized in place and had to be heated to red hot before being driven out. All new bolts have been ordered well in advance ready for fitting of the pipes but we still are a few workdays away from this.
The sand box fit out continued with three of the four leading, sand traps, air connections and pipes fitted. Some of the pipes required re setting and welding for alignment, but this task is made easy with the oxy torch and sledge hammer. This work is being completed before the leading tank is fitted into place as it is easer to do this with un-restricted access.
Thanks to Ian, the testing of the leading lubrication system will now take place mid week between workdays. A test pressure gauge will be fitted to what is called the terminal check valves that is located in close proximity to each cylinder. Once pumped up to just below 225 psi all lube lines will be visually examined for leaks, and any pipes that need repair will be fixed as required. After the integrity of the pipes and lubricators is proven the system will be flushed through and primed. This will have to be done again before the steam tests commence but the hard to get at pipes will be good to go one the tank is in place.
Our next workday will be an interesting one as we will be prepping the leading tank for final fit and if all goes to plan, 6029 will be shunted out of the shed for the fitting of the tank.
Alan Gardner